Virtual Quantum Resource Distillation (Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 050203)

Ideal quantum resources, such as Bell States for Entanglement or Magic States of quantum error corrections, are ket to enable useful quantum technologies. However, in many instances, experimental imperfections make it impossible to engineer such states exactly. Quantum resource distillation represents a class protocol aimed to remedy this, converting many copies of imperfect quantum states ... Read moreVirtual Quantum Resource Distillation (Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 050203)

Universal Sampling Lower Bounds for Quantum Error Mitigation (Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 210602)

Quantum computing holds tremendous promise but is hindered by the pervasive influence of noise on the delicate quantum states. Various strategies have been devised to mitigate these errors in the absence of error correction, yet it remains unclear when such methods are sufficient. Here, we consider the fundamental sampling cost, i.e., the number of iterations ... Read moreUniversal Sampling Lower Bounds for Quantum Error Mitigation (Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 210602)

Fundamental limits of quantum error mitigation (npj Quantum Inf 8, 114)

The unavoidable accumulation of errors in quantum devices is consider a key hurdle in unlocking the full potential of quantum computing. In this, current generation quantum computers cannot do adaptive error correction and are thus limited to error-mitigation - a process of supressing errors without actively making measurements and adapting computation to their outcomes.  Here ... Read moreFundamental limits of quantum error mitigation (npj Quantum Inf 8, 114)

Optimal Gain Sensing of Quantum-Limited Phase-Insensitive Amplifiers (Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 180506)

While significant work has been done in understanding how non-classical optical probes and enhance our ability to measure and detect loss in a channel, far less has been done about measuring gain. Here we focus on Phase-insensitive optical amplifiers that amplify input light-beams in a way that is phase-independent. We showed that unlike in the ... Read moreOptimal Gain Sensing of Quantum-Limited Phase-Insensitive Amplifiers (Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 180506)

Characterizing correlation within multipartite quantum systems via local randomized measurements

Given a quantum system on many qubits split into a few different parties, how many total correlations are there between these parties? Such a quantity, aimed to measure the deviation of the global quantum state from an uncorrelated state with the same local statistics, plays an important role in understanding multipartite correlations within complex networks ... Read moreCharacterizing correlation within multipartite quantum systems via local randomized measurements

Quantum Adaptive Agents with Efficient Long-Term Memories (Phys. Rev. X 12, 011007)

To thrive in ever-changing environments, systems must be able to adapt their actions to respond appropriately to the stimuli they receive. These adaptive systems, or agents, exist at all scales, from microscopic bacteria to self-driving vehicles. Common to all is that they interact and compete with other agents, mounting a drive to develop and deploy ... Read moreQuantum Adaptive Agents with Efficient Long-Term Memories (Phys. Rev. X 12, 011007)

Thermodynamic machine learning through maximum work production

In this work, we decided to look at the relations between two seemingly rather disconnected concepts - free energy extraction, and machine learning. it turns out though, that the two concepts hold rich relations. Notably, for a demon to be able to extra the greatest work from a pattern, he needs to have a mental ... Read moreThermodynamic machine learning through maximum work production

Impossibility of achieving Landauer's bound for almost every quantum state

The thermodynamic cost of resetting an arbitrary initial state to a particular desired state is lower bounded by Landauer's bound. However, here we demonstrate that this lower bound is necessarily unachievable for every initial state (except possibly the single minimally dissipative input) for any reliable reset mechanism. Since local heating threatens rapid decoherence, this issue ... Read moreImpossibility of achieving Landauer's bound for almost every quantum state

Collaborative computing goes Quantum

In the Lego movie a master builder possesses the jedi like powers of being able to construct different getaway vehicles such as flying couches simply by cobbling together stray blocks and repurposed parts of existing structures. These constructions are only limited by the master builder’s imagination (ok and some engineering principles on the limits of ... Read moreCollaborative computing goes Quantum